“I paint flowers so they will not die” -Frida Kahlo



“The gardener in Frida must have been equal parts dreamer and pragmatist because her flower consumption was not small. A quarter acre of geraniums adorned her hair daily, harvested for those iconic up-dos and flower crowns. Let it be said: Frida Kahlo was the first lady of flowers.”

-Sally Wilson of The Panthunter

Nikolas-Muray-1inpost-456x686 Nikolas-Muray-2inpost-456x686

Photos by Nikolas Muray



Grilled Jerusalem artichoke, heirloom beetroot, goats curt and watercress salad

Serves 2


150 grams Jerusalem artichokes, cleaned
5 golf-ball sized golden beetroots
5 golf-ball sized purple beetroots
1 bunch of picked watercress
75 grams of goat’s curd
25ml of good quality extra virgin olive oil
8ml red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper

Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees.

Wrap all the beetroots individually in aluminium foil, seasoning each one with salt, pepper and olive oil.

Place wrapped beetroots on an ovenproof tray and cook for 30-40minutes (depending on size) in the oven.

While the beetroots are cooking, place Jerusalem artichokes in a pot of salted cold water and bring to the boil. Once brought to boil, turn down heat and simmer for 6-8minutes (or until you can put a skewer through chokes with no resistance). Strain and allow to cool.

After 30-40 minutes, remove beetroots from oven when you can put a skewer through each beet without resistance.

Peel the beetroots while they are still hot by squeezing them out of the foil. If done correctly the skin of the beetroot will remain inside the foil and the clean cooked beetroot will remain.

Cut beetroots into quarters and re-season with oil, salt and pepper.

Pre-heat grill.

Slice artichokes lengthways and season with salt, pepper and olive oil.

Place artichokes on the hot grill until they’re nicely charred.

Once removed from the grill, place artichokes in a bowl and cover with cling film. This allows the artichokes to keep steaming and marinate in their own juices.

To dress, whisk 25ml of olive oil and 8ml of red wine vinegar.

Assemble all ingredients on a serving plate and finish by breaking the goats curd over the top and dressing everything well at the end.

Recipe from Dish-Pig